How do you market your business during Covid-19?
But as people are adjusting to the new way of life of social distancing, the small business owners and social media executives are adjusting the content calendars, pivot campaigns and are coming up with new ideas to make their product reach the customers. Nowadays Facebook and Instagram have seen an increase of 40% in their usage due to COVID-19. So the businesses that are depending on social media platforms should stay more connected than the past. But the increase in social media usage does not indicate that everyone is a potential customer. So the best social media marketing agency in Kochi ADMONKS is here to discuss how you should be using social media platforms at the time of COVID-19.
5 guidelines for social media marketing and Covid-19
Listen and acknowledge
Act in a way that everything is normal. Let your customers know that you are taking every single measure to safeguard your products and delivery. Post something saying the current safety measures and things that you are following in the office like sanitizing every employee, disinfecting the common surfaces in your office, etc to make your customers know that they will be safe while having your products and services. Act according to the current climate.
Keep posting
Your followers and customers are now spending more time online than before, so staying connected will make a presentation of your brand. If you are not able to sell your products or services right now focus on sharing content that aligns with your brand values instead.
Try to respond to every query and message you are getting daily. But if you can sell your products or services move forward by making your customers realize that the products and services they are getting from you is safe. Post content or a video showing your delivery methods.
Be empathetic
Covid-19 affects everyone around the world but in several ways. Before posting anything on your page remember that everyone is not in the same condition as yours, so offer some compassion to followers and customers.
With this in mind, consider before the post memes! You did not get to mention Covid-19 every time in your content, but do take into consideration the tone of your captions and therefore, the way it’d be interpreted by people are facing a special reality than you would possibly be in.
Also remember that some of your customers might have lost their jobs, struggling to find their daily expenses, work from home with a toddler, or might be sick sometimes, etc.
Provide organic value
Make your social media platform into a valuable resource center for your followers and customers. Try to specialize in engagement, rather than driving traffic, by providing extra education through videos, posts, or captions, rather than constantly asking to swipe up or click the link in your bio. These are because of the current situation.
Here at later, we are making an enormous shift in our social content to follow this principle. Rather than using social media to drive traffic we are now focused on just providing value and education organically on social media platforms which will in turn into potential customers in the near future.
Another way to provide valuable content is by shifting your overall strategy to address social distancing and give your followers what they need the most right now.
Ask for help
If you’re struggling, it’s okay to rest on your community that’s what it’s there for. Get vulnerable in your content, share your story, and clearly communicate how your followers can support your business immediately. And remember we will beat this together.
Which is the company offering the best Social media marketing services in Kochi?
There are many companies in Kochi offering social media marketing services. But now in this current scenario, Admonks is the only company that can help you maintain your social media connections and campaigns.
We are one of the leading, and continuously growing social media marketing agency in Kochi offering marketing services. We, stand out among the others with our years of experience.